Frequently Asked Questions:
- When and where can I find my hosting invoice(s)?
- When are my invoices due?
- Why wasn’t I notified my hosting invoices weren’t paid?
- What happens if I don’t pay my hosting invoice by the due date?
- How are late fees calculated?
- I paid for one facility’s hosting invoices, but not another, why did all my miners get disconnected?
- I received an email that my miners were queued for disconnection, what now?
- I paid all my unpaid hosting invoices and late fees, why aren’t my miners reconnected?
- I received an email that my miners were queued for disconnection, so I paid my past due hosting invoice, but they still got disconnected! What happened?
- What do I do if there is a discrepancy with an invoice or any disconnected miners?
- Do I have any other options for these miners?
- Why did I receive a termination notice?
When and where can I find my hosting invoice(s)?
Hosting invoices are issued monthly in advance, on or around the 15th of each month. The hosting period for each invoice will be clearly labeled on each invoice.
When are my invoices due?
The due date of your invoice(s) can be found on your Compass Mining Dashboard under the Billing section. Typically, monthly hosting invoices are prepaid monthly in advance and due on the 1st of each month.
Why wasn’t I notified my hosting invoices weren’t paid?
We will typically send 3 reminder emails prior to the due date for clients with unpaid hosting invoices. If you’re not receiving these emails, please check your spam folder and add to your email account’s contacts.
What happens if I don’t pay my hosting invoice by the due date?
It is critical to pay the hosting invoice by the due date. If a hosting invoice is unpaid after the due date, your account is at risk of incurring late fees and having your miners disconnected and ultimately termination. We highly recommend reviewing Section 5.4 of the Compass Hosting Service Agreement for a full list of potential ramifications of delinquency.
To avoid this possibility, review your invoices as soon as they are issued, then promptly pay them or contact the support team if you feel there is an error.
How are late fees calculated?
Late fees are $25 per miner among past due hosting invoices and are added to the current month's hosting invoices. Once the hosting invoices are paid, your miner(s) will be reconnected or removed from the disconnection-queue in one business day.
I paid for one facility’s hosting invoices, but not another, why did all my miners get disconnected?
If a customer has one or more past due invoices, their Compass Mining account is considered delinquent. Accounts in delinquent status are treated consistently with the terms outlined in Section 5.4 of the Compass Hosting Service Agreement.
I received an email that my miners were queued for disconnection, what now?
As the email states, to remove your miners from the disconnection-queue or reconnect your miners if they have already been disconnected, all unpaid hosting invoices, including the late fees among them, must be paid. If not paid, your miners will not be removed from the disconnection queue or be reconnected if they have already been disconnected.
I paid all my unpaid hosting invoices and the late fees among them, why aren’t my miners reconnected?
Reconnecting miners (or removing from the disconnection-queue) is completed approximately 1 business day after payment has been received.
I paid all my unpaid hosting invoices and late fees, why aren’t my miners reconnected?
Reconnecting miners (or removing from the disconnection-queue) is completed approximately 1 business day after payment has been received.
I received an email that my miners were queued for disconnection, so I paid my past due hosting invoice, but they still got disconnected! What happened?
As stated in the email, your miners are only removed from the disconnection-queue once all unpaid hosting invoices and late fees have been paid. If you received this email and only paid the hosting invoices, you would not be removed from the disconnection queue.
What do I do if there is a discrepancy with an invoice or any disconnected miners?
If there is an issue with your invoice on your Compass Mining Dashboard or facility downtime that is not reflected on your available credits, contact the support team as close to the invoice issue date as possible. If you would like your account assessed for downtime due to disconnections as a result of past-due hosting, you can request this from the support team after paying all past due hosting invoices, late fees, and your units have been reconnected.
Do I have any other options for these miners?
Always feel free to contact the support team to inquire about other options regarding your account. However, if you wanted to sell your miner on the marketplace, retire your miner, or have your miner shipped to your location, it’s required for all past due hosting invoices and late fees to be paid.
Why did I receive a termination notice?
If you are disconnected, you may have received a termination notice. If you would like to resolve your past due balances to continue hosting or sell on the marketplace, then pay your past due invoices to resolve your account immediately. If you do not want to resolve your account, then no response is required and your hosting contract will be terminated and units forfeited on a short timeline. Note, termination is an irreversible process, so if you would like to prevent termination, ensure your account is never past due.