When you buy a miner with hosting through Compass you will need to pay a monthly hosting fee for each miner. The hosting fee covers the electricity fee, facility security, customer service, and monitoring. The hosting prepayment fee covers the first month of hosting. After the second month, you will start receiving invoices in your dashboard.
Each miner's billing cycle is covers the first to the last of the month. Hosting is a prepaid service which means that hosting invoices will include future dates. If you have a hosting contract with us you will pay for February's hosting in January. A hosting prepayment is a payment for the following months hosting fee.
The monthly hosting fees take into account the power draw of your miner(s). The more watts a miner consumes the more expensive the hosting fee will be to account for the electricity fee associated with the machine.
The monthly hosting amounts are a flat monthly fee regardless of how many days are in the month. If there is any maintenance that results in extended downtime for your miners and they are not consuming power, a downtime credit will be applied. Learn more about how downtime credits are calculated here.
The hosting bills can be paid through your Compass Dashboard (fees are not taken from your mined BTC)
Please submit a ticket if you are having any payment issues.