What is a short ID and workername?
The miner naming convention makes it easy for our customers to keep track of their miners and better manage their fleet. This naming convention shows two points of important information the Site code and the short ID.
Example: tx3ghla
Site Code - tx3 - is the location which the miner is hashing. In this case it is Texas 3.
Short ID - ghla - ties to an individual miner reservation in our database. This is visible on your dashboard and makes it easy to track which miner pertains to which unit in your pool.
What is TTX? how are temporary units represented?
If you have been provided a temporary miner, it will follow the same convention, except instead of the site code, there will be a ‘ttx’ before the Short ID. In this way you will be able to clearly tell which miner the temporary machine is ‘covering’
Example: ttxghla
Why does my pool show dead miners?
Deadminers can appear for a variety of reasons. You will see dead miners anytime a machine is offline for relocation, repair or general maintenance. You will also see dead miners if a machine has been renamed. This happens when a miner moves sites. If you have been with compass for a while you may see dead miners with the old naming convention. If you notice any discrepancies please submit a support ticket explaining the situation and we will assist you.
If my miner gets relocated will the workername change?
Yes, your workername will change any time a miner changes location. Your pool account will show a new workername and the old one will become inactive.
What is a Serial Number?
Each miner produced is stickered with a unique identifier known as a serial number. The serial number is used to authenticate the miner and determine how much warranty is left on the device. This is common across most electronics. Customers commonly ask for serial numbers when purchasing mining hardware with Compass Mining. This is one way we show customers that they do in fact own a specific miner.
Where can I find my Serial Number?
Serial numbers are found in the customer dashboard under Miners. Here you will see all your miner purchases. If you expand the miner list by clicking on "Miner Details" you can see the corresponding serial numbers for each unit by hovering over the note icon 📄.
Why is my Serial Number missing?
If a serial number is not shown this means we are still working on populating this for you. This is ongoing and when your Serial Number has been recorded it will appear within your dashboard.
NOTE: Future deployments will have the serial numbers accounted for from the start avoiding this issue all together.
Miners page
Below you can see an overview of the Miners page with callouts to each of the new features.
As always, if you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out by submitting a support ticket.